Browse Title Index

Scheduled Conference Title
VII Research Workshop on Institutions and Organizations Interweaving Public and Private Institutions to Tackle Racial Inequalities in the Brazilian Society: a case study of ‘The Color of the Culture’ Governance Network Abstract
Rosiléia das Mercês Milagres, Otavio Rezende
VII Research Workshop on Institutions and Organizations Leviathan as a Minority Shareholder: Firm-level Performance Implications of Equity Purchases by the Government Abstract
Carlos Inoue, Sérgio Lazzarini, Aldo Musacchio
VII Research Workshop on Institutions and Organizations Macroscopic Objectives of the Brazilian Bankruptcy Law In Face Of Law And Economic Abstract
Franklin Façanha da Silva
VII Research Workshop on Institutions and Organizations Organization Theory: a critical reading Abstract
VII Research Workshop on Institutions and Organizations Organizational socialization as support to the construction of knowledge and innovation processes Abstract
Andréia de Abreu, Cássia Regina Bassan de Moraes, Luana Maia Woida
VII Research Workshop on Institutions and Organizations Organizations and professions: the field of struggles between the economic and financial elites in Brazil Abstract
Thais Joi Martins
VII Research Workshop on Institutions and Organizations PLURAL FORMS OF ORGANIZATION: DOES HISTORY MATTER? Abstract
Paula Sarita Bigio Schnaider, Maria Sylvia Macchione Saes, Luiz Carlos Demattê Filho
VII Research Workshop on Institutions and Organizations Preliminary analysis of ACTA, PIPA, SOPA and the music industry according to the Theory of Fields Abstract
Míriam Costa Toyama, Mauro Rocha Côrtes, Silvio Eduardo Alvarez Candido
VII Research Workshop on Institutions and Organizations Regional Resilience in theoretical and empirical perspectives: The Case of the Industrial Pole of Cubatão, São Paulo. Abstract
Sirlei Pitteri, Luis Paulo Bresciani
VII Research Workshop on Institutions and Organizations Relational contracts, incompleteness and opportunism between citrus industry and orange growers in São Paulo state. Abstract
Murilo Secchieri de Carvalho, Luiz Fernando Oriani Paulillo
VII Research Workshop on Institutions and Organizations Solidarity Economy in perspective: a literature review Abstract
Lucelia Costa
Dirk Boehe, Leandro Pongeluppe, Sérgio Lazzarini
VII Research Workshop on Institutions and Organizations Structure and Operation of the Brazilian Voluntary Carbon Market Abstract
Ricardo Curi Goulart, José Célio Silveira Andrade, Danielle Soares Paiva
VII Research Workshop on Institutions and Organizations Subjective uncertainty, interorganizational cooperation and firm operational performance: A positive relationship Abstract
Marta Fabiano Sambiase, Eliane Pereira Zamith Brito, Adilson Aderito da Silva, Fernando Ferreira
VII Research Workshop on Institutions and Organizations Sustainable Agro-systems: a case study in a coffee cooperative organization Abstract
Sandra Mara Schiavi Bánkuti, Luciana Angelino Gonçalves, Ferenc Istvan Bánkuti
VII Research Workshop on Institutions and Organizations THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE HUMAN RESOURCES PRACTICES TO THE ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT – Research in Different Companies in Ribeirão Preto and Region Abstract
VII Research Workshop on Institutions and Organizations The Coordination Mechanisms Between Software Houses And Consulting Companies For Introduction Of New Technologies In The Enterprise Application Software Business Ecosystem In Brazil Abstract
Fábio Rocha, Walter Bataglia
VII Research Workshop on Institutions and Organizations The institutional entrepreneurship and institutional work in the creation of the new field of green chemistry in Brazil: how micro and macro worlds influenced this process Abstract
Maria Paola Ometto, Evelin Lemos
VII Research Workshop on Institutions and Organizations The institutional explanation of economic performance of the APL footwear industry in Franca Abstract
Catarine Pitangui, Oswaldo Truzzi, Agnaldo Barbosa
VII Research Workshop on Institutions and Organizations The Institutionalism: the dynamic between the institutional structure and the action Abstract
Walter Bataglia, Leila Rocha Pellegrino
VII Research Workshop on Institutions and Organizations The Strategy of Contract: Power, Change, and Redistribution Abstract
Nobuiuki Costa Ito, Decio Zylbersztajn
VII Research Workshop on Institutions and Organizations The supporting organization models for smallholder farmers’ transactions in Mozambique Abstract
Kassia Watanabe, Maja Slingerland, Jos Bijman
VII Research Workshop on Institutions and Organizations Theoretical analysis of the effectiveness of formal rules: the perspective of New Institutional Economics Abstract
Bruna Liria Avelhan, Decio Zylbersztajn
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