Day 3.10.2011 (16:00- 17:40)
ROOM A | ||
Session: Agribusiness and Institutions 1 | ||
Chair: Paulo Furquim de Azevedo - UFRJ and Silvia Caleman - UFMS | ||
| ||
Title | Author(s) | Affliation |
Trade competition and loss of exclusivity in tobacco contract farming in Brazil | Hildo Souza Filho e Antonio Marcio Buainain | Federal U. São Carlos (UFSCar) |
Michel Angelo Constantino Oliveira | IPEA | |
Institutional Environment and Purchase of Land by Foreingners in Developing Countries | Leandro Simões Pongeluppe, Maria Sylvia Macchione Saes | University of São Paulo (USP) |
ROOM B | ||
Session: Combining Theories to Address Organizational and Institutional Phenomena | ||
Chairs: Charles Kirschbaum - INSPER and Sergio G. Lazzarini - INSPER | ||
Title | Author(s) | Affliation |
Rodolfo Coelho Prates | U.Positivo | |
Dynamic Interaction: Is It a Useful Concept to Explain Performance? | Eduardo Loebel, Luis Enrique Urtubey De Cesaris | Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV-SP) |
Antonio Carlos Lima Nogueira, Walter Bataglia | Mackenzie University | |
Consumer Biases and Fairness in Standard Form Adhesion Contracts | Antônio José Maristrello Porto, Lucas Thevenard Gomes | Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV-RJ) |
ROOM C | ||
Session: Hybrid Arrangements | ||
Chair: Claude Ménard-U.Paris and Luis Fernando Paulillo - UFSCAR | ||
Title | Author(s) | Affliation |
Paula Sarita Bigio Schnaider, Maria Sylvia Macchione Saes | University of São Paulo (USP) | |
Exchanging Competences in Strategic Alliances: a Case Study of Cosan and Shell biofuel venture | Luciana Florencio Almeida, Claudio Pinheiro Machado Filho, Kellen Severo | University of São Paulo (USP) |
Eduardo Braga, Almir Ferreira de Sousa | University of São Paulo (USP) | |
Francisco Lima Cruz Teixeira, Ana Maria Brito Pires, Horacio Nelson Hastenreiter, Sergio Ricardo Goes | Federal U. Bahia (UFBA) |
ROOM D | ||
Session: Institutions and Policy | ||
Chairs: Basilia Aguirre -USP and Carlos Pereira - FGV-RJ | ||
Title | Author(s) | Affliation |
Out of bounds? Sport Mega-Events and the Boundaries of the Regulatory State Model of Governance | Bruno Queiroz Cunha | London School of Economics |
Maria Fernanda Alves | University of Brasilia | |
Democratic Institutions and Political Trust: a study of case of Cuiabá (M.T.) | Thales Torres Quintão, Iara Lima Vianna | Federal U. Mato Grosso (UFMT) |
Adelyne Maria Mendes Pereira | Fiocruz |
ROOM E | ||
Session: Institutions and Financial Arrangements | ||
Chair: Antonio Nicita - U.Siena and Ronaldo Fiani - UFRJ | ||
Title | Author(s) | Affliation |
Opening the Black Box? State-owned bank, mandate and accountability | Mario Schapiro | Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV-SP) |
Alexandre Teatini Salles | Federal U. Espirito Santo (UFES) | |
The impact of financial globalization in the Brazilian financial system through institutional lenses | Miriam P. E. de M. Vale | Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV-SP) |
Authority, Market and Brazilian National State: a Historical Perspective | Luciana de Souza Leão | Federal U. Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) |
Day - 3.10.2011 (17:50 - 19:30)
ROOM A | ||
Session: Agribusiness and Institutions 2 | ||
Chair: Emmanuel Raynaud - Paris Agritech and Luis Fernando Paulillo - UFSCar | ||
Title | Author(s) | Affliation |
Camila Dias de Sá, Maria Sylvia Macchione Saes | University of São Paulo (USP) | |
Governance in agricultural cooperatives: coexistence of mechanisms? | Andrei Cechin, Jos Bijman, Decio Zylberzstajn | University of São Paulo |
Andre Luiz Zopelar, Reginaldo Santana Figueiredo, Fabio Campos Macedo, Marcio Bettego Bergo | Federal U.Goias (UFG) | |
Luis Otavio Bau Macedo, Fabio Nobuo Nishimura, Cassio Giovanni Aguiar Costa | Federal U. Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS |
ROOM B | ||
Session: Environment and Institutions | ||
Chair: Maria da Graça D da Fonseca - UFRJ and Hildo Meirelles - UFSCAR | ||
Title | Author(s) | Affliation |
Sara Gurfinkel Marques de Godoy | University of São Paulo (USP) | |
Bruno Perosa, Paulo Furquim de Azevedo | Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV-SP) | |
Environmental institutions and organizations at local level in Brazil. | Estela-Maria Souza-Costa Neves | INCT |
ROOM C | ||
Session: Institutions and Industrial Policy | ||
Chairs: Geoffrey Hogdson- U.Hertfordshire and Lia Hasenclever - UFRJ | ||
Title | Author(s) | Affliation |
Ronaldo Fiani | Federal U. Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) | |
Varieties of Latin-American Patent Offices: Comparative Study of Practices and Procedures | Ana Celia Castro | Federal U. Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) |
Elson Cedro Mira | Santa Cruz State University (UESC) | |
Physical Limits to Growth and Technological Progress: the debate Limits to Growth versus Sussex | Beatriz Macchione Saes, Bruno César Brito Miyamoto | University of Campinas (UNICAMP) |
ROOM D | ||
Session: Agribusiness and Institutions 3 | ||
Chair: Elizabeth Farina - USP and Vivian Lara dos Santos Silva - USP | ||
Title | Author(s) | Affliation |
Andre Luiz Zopelari, Aldara Silva Cesar, Marcio Pimenta | Federal U.Goias (UFG) | |
Rubia Nara Rinaldi, Ivan Decker Raupp, Jefferson Andronio Ramundo Staduto | West Parana State University (UNIOESTE) | |
Silvia Caleman | Federal U. Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) |