Presentations and Authors

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General Papers

Structure and Operation of the Brazilian Voluntary Carbon Market PDF
Ricardo Curi Goulart, José Célio Silveira Andrade, Danielle Soares Paiva

Business and Corporate Strategy

Corporate Governance at Private Nonprofit Organizations in the field of science and technology: the Brazilian case PDF
Adriana Bin, Luiza Maria Capanema, Sergio Luiz Monteiro Salles-Filho, Ana Flávia Portilho Ferro de Aquino

Regulation and Public Policy

Between private and public: the emergence of socioenvironmental governance in the forestry sector PDF
Bruno Benzaquen Perosa, Paulo Furquim Azevedo

History and Institutional Change

Institutional work: the contributions of old and new institutionalism PDF
Marcus Vinícius Gomes, Mário Alves, Maria Paola Ometto

Law and Economics

Theoretical analysis of the effectiveness of formal rules: the perspective of New Institutional Economics PDF
Bruna Liria Avelhan, Decio Zylbersztajn