Conference System, VII Research Workshop on Institutions and Organizations

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Organizational socialization as support to the construction of knowledge and innovation processes
Andréia de Abreu, Cássia Regina Bassan de Moraes, Luana Maia Woida

Last modified: 2012-09-13


The innovation is a fundamental movement to the performance of modern organizations, once it maintains narrow relation with important elements of knowledge creation and cooperation processes to compete. Thus, the development of new products and processes is considered an essential tool to enterprises competitiveness, of which benefits can become bigger financial return rates and market share increase. It is noticed that lots of researches evince the statistic measure to build models of management and practices. Other approaches prefer to evince the people presence, once the knowledge is created by individuals, that is, an organization can not create knowledge by itself without the individuals who compound it. In consequence, it is important to support the activities which can appease the creation of knowledge, or provide the appropriate contexts in order to those activities to be developed in organizational environments. The only alternative to take the advantage of the knowledge and revert it into benefit for the rest of the organization is to create the appropriate conditions to manage it, and the proper context in order to, by socialization processes, become accessible and shared in the entire organization. Thus, the knowledge management, model of indelible management of organizational practice, shows a link with the innovation, because it is necessary the presence of information flows and the knowledge construction. Herewith, the knowledge management precedes the innovation. However, the models of management need to reach different dimensions: economical, structural, informational and human. The involvement of the individual is fulcrum to produce the knowledge which is responsible for the innovation. In this way, the socialization is a social-cultural and management process which aims the insertion of individuals in contexts, models, tools and unknown technologies, that is, make structures, polices, norms, values and other elements in the organizations intelligible and internal. Regarding the insertion of people in new organizational contexts, it is included into the socialization both formal training, focused on specialized work, and informal explanations, linked to acquaintance in relation to the pairs of work environment. The general aim of this work is to discuss the factors involved in the organizational socialization which contribute to the creation processes of knowledge and innovation in the organizations. The need of this study is unmistakable from the point of view of the organizational human dimension, because it is considered that the insertion of people into their working activities, in the use and acceptance of available technological tools, awareness about cooperation and other factors of environmental composition, contributes to both the execution of activities and the knowledge construction. Therefore, the psychological and behavioral aspects can appease or prevent the innovation process. This research is based on a qualitative approach, making use of a multiple study of case in four food enterprises in the city of Marília/SP, each one of a size: micro, small, medium and large enterprise. The employees and the owners of the enterprise were the people of the research who answered to a semi-structured questionnaire which had open and closed questions, it was applied in loco. The analysis of the results pointed that in the innovation processes made by the enterprises there were difficulties of different natures, including those which come from low qualification of the workforce towards new patterns of accomplishment of activities. Nevertheless, throughout the development of socialization practices regarding the occurred innovations, these difficulties were overcome, allowing the implantation of new procedures and the reach of the expected results.

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